
Pailin Prapa
Apr 23, 2021


Hi, my name is Lily and I’m currently an undergraduate student at Chulalongkorn University, majoring in Arts and Science in Integrated Innovation. I love challenging projects and real world experiences which I would say BAScii suits me perfectly for that. I am an introvert who is notorious for not expressing my thoughts through speeches and would rather be a good listener than the speaker myself. Typically, I express myself best through writing and art.

I am the kind of person who enjoys indoor activities such as baking. I am also passionate about art and very much enjoy going out to different art galleries. Back in highschool, I was once selected as an art delegate to represent my school in an IASAS exchange, having my artworks in the school’s annual exhibition. The art media I am most familiar with is painting on canvas, drawing, and sculpturing.

